conference talksInternational Conference: Building bridges. Sharing experiences. Best practices and lessons learned in dealing with hate crimes, right-wing violence and terror attacks in Europe
Ferhat Unvar educational initiative e.V., Hanau, Germany. 22-23 November 2024 REMEMBERING AS RESISTANCE - WORKSHOP Forum on Central and Eastern Europe , Leuven 20-21 June 2024 Unity in Cultural diversity Brussels, Belgium. EEAS, 12-13 June 2024 The role of memorialization in P/CVE EENeT Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium. 5-7 June 2024 Unity in Diversity? Culture, heritage and identity in Europe "Cultural resilience in conflict: impact, destruction and recovery" Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Antwerpen, Belgium. 15-16 April 2024 Hunting down monuments - The CAF model Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, University of Edinburgh, 9-11 April 2024 Victims and Memory after terrorism: Time, Trauma and Emotion Seminario del Instituto Valentin de Foronda, Vitoria Gasteiz. 14 February 2024 Cultural Routes Academic Workshop Council of Europe, Luxembourg, 07 December 2023 Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Prisons Italian Prison Administration, EuroPris, Rome, 14-15 November 2023 RAN Plenary 2023 European Commission, Brussels. 13 October 2023 Younger generations, older tragedies: How can commemoration support P/CVE? Radicalisation Awareness Network. Victims and Survivors. European Commission. Madrid, 26-27 September 2023. Actions to improve the comprehensive protection of victims of terrorism in the European Union Ministry of Interior, Spain. Madrid, 25 September 2023 Decolonization in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe The German Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Protestant Academy, Tutzing, Germany, 26-28 June 2023 Cultural and artistic P/CVE approaches with victims/survivors of terrorism RAN, European Commission, Vienna, Austria, 22-23 June 2023 Conferral of European Research and Mobility Grants in European Studies of the Charles V European Award to Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (Jury member) The Royal Monastery of Yuste, Spain, 31 May - 2 June 2023. "Commemoration as a practice of memory consumerism" The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, 24 May 2023 “ A future with(out) a past? Europeanization, memory and the Western Balkans” The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, USA, 24 April 2023 EU Remembrance day for the victims of terrorism Brussels, Belgium, 10 March 2023 "Temporal conflicts and the victimhood communities (un)bound by memory" Guest lecture, Leuven, Belgium, 02 March 2023 "La mémoire" Mémorial de la Shoah & European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage, Paris, France, 21-23 February 2023 RAN Practitioners meeting, Victims/Survivors of Terrorism, European Commission Brussels, Belgium, 30 November 2022 The African Union & the European Union Transitional Justice Forum Banjul, The Gambia, 24-25 November 2022 RAN Practitioners meeting, Victims/Survivors of Terrorism, European Commission Nice, France, 29-30 September 2022 Historical Perspectives on Victims of Terrorism in the Modern Age Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, 29th of September – 1st of October 2022 Europeanising memory: Holocaust in the Western Balkans Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies, 9 September 2022 Hunting down monuments: Memorial work and the role of researchers in the aftermath of trauma The University of Manchester (UK), 2 March 2022 The efficacy of memorialisation after terrorism Barcelona, 8 February 2022 XIV Transitional Justice Forum in the post-Yugoslav countries Belgrade (RS), 17-18 December 2021 REKOM Workshop Belgrade (RS), 6-10 December 2021 "Hunting down a theory on monuments" The University of Manchester (UK), 1 December 2021 EU Memory Politics and the “Two Totalitarianisms” in Post-Yugoslav Countries Central European University (CEU), 29 November 2021 The effects of Europeanisation on memory politics in the Western Balkans 6th International Philosophical Dialogue "East-West", Philosophy of Memory, Skopje, Sveti Nikole 6-8 October 2021 Europeanising memory in the Balkans Guest lecture, Jean Monnet Chair in the Europeanisation of Southeastern Europe, Graz University, 14 June 2021 Discussant in: The Political Instrumentalization of the Past ASN Convention, Panel CE17, 8.00-9.30 AM EST, 7 May 2021 Europeanisation and the Yugoslav wars Guest lecture, Instituut voor Filosofische en Sociaal-wetenschappelijke Educatie, 14 March 2021 Jean Monnet Centre Montreal, Speakers Series 2021 (Un)Shared European memory: Remembering victims of terrorism, Montreal (Canada), 25 February 2021 Book launch: Europeanisation and Memory Politics in the Western Balkans Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, Trento (Italy), 4 December 2020 ( in ITALIAN ) Editing the past: What corrective measures for colonialism in an urban space? "Colonial and slave memories: An international look" Department of Democratic Memory of the City Council of Barcelona, EUROM. Barcelona, 01 December 2020 Interviewing Dr Thomas Bickl, the author of "’The Croatia-Slovenia border dispute' The stages of a protracted conflict and its implications for EU enlargement" The International Press Association (API-IPA) and the Residence Palace, Brussels, 20 November 2020 Politike pamćenja i prakse sećanja u Jugoistočnoj Evropi Humanitarian Centre Law Kosovo and REKOM, (on-line), 21 October 2020 Memory and South East Europe: Global currents of activism and contestation BISA South East Europe Working Group: E-Roundtable, 24 September 2020 A game of memories: Spontaneous memorials and political contestation in Brussels, Malta and Banja Luka (Milosevic, A; Denti, D & Sasso, A.) BISA Annual Conference 2020, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 16-19 June 2020 Signaling Values: Europeanisation & Memory Politics in Croatia and Serbia PhD Defence, KU Leuven (Auditorium Emma Vorlat, 14h), 17 December 2019 (Un)Healing the wounds of violence? Memorials and Conflict Guest lecture, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), 04 December 2019 The Paris Peace Forum Paris, France. 11-13 November 2019. Troisièmes Rencontres d’Etudes Balkaniques / Villes des Balkans : Échelles locales, nationales, globales. Marseille. 12-13 Septembre 2019 "A game of memories: spontaneous memorialisation and their contestation in Brussels, Malta and Banja Luka" (with Davide Denti) Mini-symposium at the Memory Studies Annual Conference (Convenor), Madrid, 25-28 June 2019.
Posledice evropeizacije sećanja s fokusom na Balkan - “signaliziranje vrednosti“. Debata o politikama i praksama sećanja. RECOM initiative. Belgrade. 17 June 2019 (Maršalov salon, Kombank dvorana) Western Balkan accession to the EU: A new strategy or a new postponement? Institute of Economic Studies. Belgrade. 14 June 2019. "Signaling Values: The Europeanization and memory politics in the Western Balkans" ISA Conference. Panel TA10: "New Memory Challenges In The Western Balkans And Beyond" Belgrade. 17 June 2019.
The 2019 ASEEES Summer Convention, Zagreb, Croatia. June 14-16. Panel organiser and discussant with prof. Vjeran Pavlakovic, Uni Rijeka. "The Europeanisation and Memory Politics in the former Yugoslavia" Vulnerable groups, fieldwork & missing data: A qualitative and quantitative approach Methodology seminar. Leuven, 28 May 2019 Registration: Memory Laws in Europe and Beyond: Towards Ethical Governance of Historical Narratives MELA project, Kent University Brussels and Asser Institute. Brussels, 24 May 2019 Remembrance and Social Recovery after Terrorist Attacks Deuil, colère et réconciliation » : réactions de la société civile face aux attentats islamistes. Düsseldorf. 14-15 March 2019 Remembering the past the European way (seminar) KADOC - Documentation and Research centre on Religion, Culture and Society. Leuven. 20 December 2018. Memorial fatigue in the post-conflict Western Balkans Recognition Reparation Reconciliation – The Light and Shadow of Historical Trauma Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 5-8 December 2018 Meth Lab: Elite Interviewing LINES, KU Leuven. 22 November 2018. The Paris Peace Forum (On Peace and European memory) Paris, France. 11-13 November 2018. Symptoms and causes of memorial malaise in the Balkans Europe and the Everyday: Grassroots, EU and the Politics of Crisis. Closing workshop. European Parliament. 18 October 2018 Why has the reconciliation process in the Balkans taken a back seat? Doctoral seminar, KU Leuven. 17 October 2018 The Balkans: Past, Nation and Europeanisation Memory Laws in Post-Transitional Democracies: Case Studies form Post-Communist States Conference. Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw, Poland. 5 October 2018 The Apolitics of Remembrance: Memorialising the victims of terrorism Politicogenetmaal 2018. Leiden University, Netherlands, 7-8 June 2018 European commemoration of Vukovar: Shared memory or joint remembrance? Cambridge University, UK. BASEES Annual Conference, 15 April 2018 OLDER EVENTS INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: ACTIONS TO IMPROVE THE COMPREHENSIVE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF TERRORISM IN THE EUROPEAN UNION “Younger generations, older tragedies: how can commemoration support PVE?” |
seminars2024 Holocaust Remembrance Day: University of Surrey |